Industry Development

Pigs Health & Welfare

Healthy industry - healthy pigs

The health and welfare of pigs in Scotland are of paramount importance to all of the work we do with the pig sector. We work extensively with pig producers and processors to make sure that we support the industry in delivering high standards of biosecurity through best practices and innovative technology.

In addition to work on biosecurity, we also support a comprehensive suite of disease surveillance measures both on-farm and in-abattoir. We work with key industry stakeholders to carry out abattoir monitoring and take samples for a wide range of diseases including salmonella and trichinella. In addition, we also support the industry by improving how we use antibiotics during production.

We also liaise with the wider industry through our engagement work with pig vets, producer groups, and feed companies, through to representing pig producers and processors in specific health groups like the UK-wide Pig Health and Welfare Council

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