Top quality beef and lamb from Scotland will be high profile at the British Pie Awards when Scotch Beef PGI and Scotch Lamb PGI will feature in the line-up of sponsors.
Quality Meat Scotland is sponsoring two classes at the world-renowned awards in Melton Mowbray on April 22nd.
The 2014 British Pie Awards were a huge success, with over 800 pies being entered across 19 classes and this year’s awards look set to match that success.
These awards celebrate the nation’s love of pies, with several million pies consumed in Britain each year and entries to this year’s event are flooding in, with hundreds of producers around the country keen to show-off their finest pies.
“A top quality pie is a fantastic way to showcase the first class food ingredients we have and also the craftsmanship skills of those who work in our industry,” said Laurent Vernet, Head of Marketing with Quality Meat Scotland.
“The best pies perfectly combine tradition and innovation to create a heavenly sensory experience with every mouthful and I am looking forward to joining the judges in the categories we are sponsoring – Beef and Ale Pie and Lamb Pie.”
The awards are a national celebration of British Pies in all their varieties and they have been running since 2009. They are held in Melton Mowbray, the Rural Capital of Food, and hosted by the Melton Mowbray Pork Pie Association.
The Awards are open to all pie producers who sell pies commercially and the closing date is April 3rd 2015.
More information about the awards is available here
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