21st April 2022

Make savings and improve growth rates with QMS’ Grazing Calculator

Click here for the Grazing Calculator - https://www.qmscotland.co.uk/grazingcalculator/#!/ Whether rotationally grazing livestock for the first time or developing their system, farmers are encouraged to familiarise themselves with QMS’ Grazing Calculator. The method of calculation has been developed in conjunction with grass specialists and the tool’s design means it’s quick, easy, and simple for anyone working on a farm - regardless of experience or knowledge - to use. The calculator can be easily accessed from the office computer or smart phone whilst in the field and aims to develops the user’s understanding of the following principles: matching grass supply to livestock demands; measuring grass and using the data; getting a feel for what grass is available; and what can be utilised by stock. QMS Head of Industry Development, Bruce McConachie, said : “The online tool is primarily aimed at farmers starting out on the journey into managed grazing. However, the calculator will also be handy for the more experienced grazier looking to do some quick calculations ‘on the hoof’. “I would encourage everyone to have a look at the calculator which will allow you to plan grazing rotations, time in paddocks and paddock sizes. You can also trial different scenarios with various livestock groups and save the results for future reference. With the cost of fertiliser very high, it can help plan how to use it most efficiently and effectively not only for this season but for planning silage and grazing as you look ahead to managing costs next year as well.” Results are provided by entering stock type, average body weight, mob size, grass available and how often you are looking to shift your stock. Bruce added: “Well managed grassland can provide many benefits including increased yields and growth rates with reduced input costs. Rotational grazing is one of the easiest ways to see these benefits. “Scotland’s climate is well suited to growing grass. However, it is not just about the quantity of grass we can grow here - quality is also fundamental to maximising its value for livestock. The tool has been developed to encourage new graziers to give rotational grazing a try, whilst reminding established graziers of the core principles, actions, and targets to maximise both quality and quantity, and turn grass, our cheapest and best feed, into meat.” Complementing the Sward Stick, Cow and Ewe Timeline and the QMS Introducing a Rotational Grazing System guide, the new Grazing Calculator is available via the QMS website. You can also keep up to date with GrassCheck on Twitter and grasscheckGB.co.uk to help manage your grass this season.

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