Specially Selected Pork is the flagship brand of the pork industry in Scotland and identifies meat from pigs that have been quality assured all of their lives.
When consumers see the Specially Selected Pork logo, they can be confident that the pork was born, reared and processed in Scotland and held whole life quality assurance.
It’s our job to promote the benefits of Specially Selected Pork to consumers. Our strategy is developed in consultation with the industry via the Specially Selected Pork Marketing Strategy Group, promoting the health benefits, sustainability, and quality assurance of our respectfully reared local produce.
Our strategy is developed via consumer insight and in consultation with the industry via our Specially Selected Pork Marketing Strategy Group, promoting the health benefits, sustainability and quality assurance of our respectfully reared local produce.
We have a presence in the GB marketplace all year round with seasonal campaigns promoted to our primary target audience of 18-39 yr-old flexitarians. Our marketing activities are adapted based on changing consumer needs and focus on supporting sales as well as brand awareness and perceptions of Specially Selected Pork among consumers.
For consumer information about Specially Selected Pork, visit www.makeitscotch.com
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